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Monday, February 17, 2025

Sugar&Spike - The Fix-It Machine

The Chronicles of Sheldon Mayer's Sugar & Spike
The Fix-It Machine

Sugar & Spike #9 [1957]
6 pages
Reprints:  The Sugar And Spike Archives #1 [2011]
Dedication: Linda Mayer, Washington DC

Hm, no idea if that dedication is related to Sheldon Mayer...

Anyway, Spike gets a new scooter, and plays with it by sitting on it upsidedown and rolling the wheels with his hands.  Sugar realizes this is wrong, and correctly surmises that it's a "bump toy", which is exactly what it sounds like.  The scooter doesn't last long under that abuse, which leads to Sugar teaching Spike about how to use his father as a fix-it-machine.  Things escalate from there, to an entertaining finish.

Clever little story, especially the looks of pure joy as the kids think they're finally starting to learn about how the world works, contrasted with exactly how far off they are.

Characters: Sugar, Spike, Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Wilson
Damage: The scooter, multiple times and Spike's clothes

Sugar's treatment of Spike: Very rough, dragging him around, standing on him, although oddly the most damage is done when she's trying to keep him from hurting himself

"Are you sure you're playing with it right?"

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